Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Email - May 22, 2013

How are you all enjoying the best day of the year? :) I am quite a lot, if I do say so myself. No, I have not ripped open my package yet, I am teaching myself patience and that will be tonight. I hope nothing in there will be expired, like the runny, mushy blood sausage I ate this week and the "meat gelatin." Not even you could put that down, Mase. I may not live to see 19 and a half.

 I'm glad you all got the pictures and now have proof that I am, in fact, where I said I was and just having the time of my life! And thank you for all the pictures back about the changes in the home...oh wait, I didn't get any. Haha it sounds like you're all having a blast rearranging everything, and I'm gonna have no idea where I am when I get back! On the topic of graduation, I cannot believe the next group is already graduating. What the heck! Where did that time go? That was me like three weeks ago, I swear. I bet bear paw is just busier than ever with the mission calls and graduation and everything. My advice: rub some dirt in it. Just kidding! Take a good long nap with your hands over your chest and your feet crossed, with one eye open. I know that napping position very well from you, dad. Hahah!

 This week, as you can obviously tell, has been wild. Once again, surprise, surprise, the Germans are having another holiday, and everything shuts down, and it happened to be on Monday. So the whole mission decided to move it to another day, but this just happened to be the week where we have 22 lessons planned and have NO down time anywhere, including interviews with President yesterday, and we are barely squeezing this in. I have no idea what a P-Day really is yet. But this week is just crazy and we have super high goals set to make us really stretch to hit them and hit the standards of excellence out here in Europe! We're determined to be as busy as we can and trust that since we have absolutely no time to find and go dooring that the Lord will placed prepared people in our path on our way to all of our appointments! I will definitely let you know how that goes.

 But that's not even the good news, are you ready for what's next? Everything’s going pretty good with Martin, we just...SET A BAPTISMAL DATE with him last week!! It was the best day ever. He is so prepared it is unreal. We gave him pamphlets for the next lessons, and then met with him to talk about any questions or concerns he had, and he has absolutely none. "It all makes perfect sense, what's next?" (but obviously auf Deutsch). He is just cruising through and is so excited for his baptismal date on June 8th. We took him to a baptismal service this last weekend in Aachen and he just loved every second of it. We have really bonded with this guy, and he will be the strongest member ever, I just know it. I'm so blessed to be seeing a baptism so early in my mission. A lot of missionaries out here go their whole time without seeing one. People really are prepared, and the work is OBVIOUSLY speeding up. The Lord is watching over that and making sure. And it also goes to show how important all members are in missionary work. If it wasn't for Pascal and other members taking the time to find and talk to him, and eventually invite him to church, we would have never gotten this opportunity to find this prepared soul. So don't let those opportunities pass you by! We missionaries rely on you all a lot more than you think. And if you ever have an extra spare 5 minutes at the end of the day, maybe remember Martin in your prayers. He's seemingly perfect, but you never know sometimes when people need some help.

 As to the upcoming week, Griff, we need you. There's an Ecuadorian family in our ward that speaks NO English, and NO German, but they invited us over on Friday. We have no idea what we're going to do…it took 45 minutes just to communicate where their house is, three blocks away. If we Skype you randomly, be prepped to use that Espanol! But luckily I'm a legendary pictionary player, and my picture-communication abilities will get us through the day. Soo..that will be interesting, but I'm stoked nonetheless.

 Well, like I said, it's not really a P-Day, and we gotta catch a train to Köln for our next appointment, and then back to Bonn for another, so I gotta run! But ich einfach möchte euch mein Zeugniss lassen, dass ich dieses Kirche liebe. Es bringt mir so viele freude und friede jeden tag, es ist ungläublich. Ich bin so beschäftig, aber so glücklich, weil ich weiß dass es alles für den Herrn ist. Er leitet und führt die Kirche Jesu Christ der Heiligen der Letzten Tage heute, durch unser Prophet Thomas S. Monson und seiner Aposteln. Durch die Lehre des Evangeliums, können wir alle unser Schwerigkeiten uberwinden. Ich verspreche es dir. Immer sei treu zu euer Zeugnis, manchmal es ist die einiger dinge dass wir gegen die Teufel haben. Ich liebe euch alles so sehr, und ich müss schnell gehen, aber fröhe geburtstag für mich, und habt einfach ein wunderschönes tag, und wir sehen uns bald. Ich liebe dich! Tschüs!!!!

 -- Elder McGinn the IV

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